
Thursday, April 26, 2012


I can't figure out how to get out of this funk. So much going on. So many people telling me to not do so much. Thing is, if I don't do it, who will?  I have got to get some help. I wish I had a nice swing in the back yard that I could go sit on and swing away my worries. A white one with a cushion so I could lie down if I felt like it. With lots of flowers around.....mmmmm, I can smell them now. The breeze is blowing and with each gust another concern is carried away by it.  I am so tired, so very, very, tired. I have a wonderful family that helps where they can, don't misunderstand me. It is difficult to ask for help when you already feel like a burden though. I hate this horrible disease. I see it take people from loved ones every day. Some I am able to help through the foundation while others get so sick so fast that there is no time. It's so unfair. 
I know that not being allowed to be out in public is getting to me too. Those who know me well know how much I LOVE to shop! Online shopping will have to suffice for now. At least I have that. I want to work in the yard....I still have plants to plant from fall. I'm sure my neighbors are wondering when I'm going to get around to that. LOL!
Hate to sound so depressing but I have to let it out. And if you're willing to listen (or read) then I appreciate you taking the time to understand how my life works.
Love to all and Cherish Every Moment!

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