
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yuck, yuck, yuck...

My body is not what it used to be, even just a week ago.  The "Poison" aka chemotherapy has changed it. Temporarily I hope!! My skin is dry with sores all over it. My ankles, well, what used to be my ankles, have all but disappeared, my hair, what I have of it, is coarse and my scalp itches CONSTANTLY! Have you ever put benadryl on your hair/head?? The only thing that I can eat, and usually keep down, is PopTarts. POPTARTS! Really? Couldn't be something healthy like veggies or whole grain cereal. Just had to be PopTarts. However, I look at it like this. A month ago I couldn't even eat a piece of a PopTart much less a whole one. So I will take what I can get and eat PopTarts.
      The pain is getting worse. I am taking a lot of pain medication but still can't seem to get it under control. I am taking an extended release dilaudid called Exalgo. I prefer to call it "Hidalgo" because the thought of Viggo Mortensen helps immensely regardless of the severity of the pain. *winkwink*.  I will be seeing my pain management team bright and early tomorrow morning to discuss making some changes to the meds. I want to be as comfortable and as close to pain-free for as long as I can. But I do NOT want to be in a hospital setting!!
     Bath time then bedtime. Hopefully in less pain tonight than last night. Cherish every moment. xoxo

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